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The Forgiveness Project initially served as a tool to guide and support a single student through a period of grief following a friend's suicide. From the initial bowl created by a single grieving student emerged the vision to heal communities through the power of forgiveness. To date, the forgiveness project has reached and touched the lives of over 200 adults and teens in Orange County and parts of Los Angeles.

Healing communities one individual at a time - together, not in isolation. 

The Santa Ana Forgiveness Project illuminated the healing power of art through the use of collage and storytelling. Participants represent a small cross-section of Santa Ana’s residential and professional populations, including students of Santa Ana Unified School District, social workers, probation officers, residents, local nonprofit staff and leadership, and administrators.


A single story is embedded within each bowl. Each bowl was created by one person, and contains a single letter of forgiveness – either forgiveness of self or forgiveness of others. Some letters are buried deep within the many layers of imagery, while others are exposed to provide a glimpse into the story. 


Trauma is universal - it fails to discriminate, and permeates the fabric of all levels of society. The Santa Ana Forgiveness Project is a pilot endeavor that explores healing on an individual level with a ripple effect throughout a community.

Santa Ana Forgiveness Project
Orange County, CA
Designed and co-facilitated an innovative 3-Session pilot program for the Veterans Administration PTSD/Combat Trauma Center. Participants struggled with PTSD and moral injury. Significant decrease in depression symptoms measured between pre-test and post-test.. 
Long Beach, CA

© Teri Arana 2019-2024

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